In July 2020, a vehicle in Spokane collided with an elderly woman who was walking on the 2600 block of South Southeast Boulevard. As a result of the collision, the woman suffered serious injuries. The Spokane Police Department later determined that the accident occurred when a car was headed north and collided with the pedestrian who was traveling on the east side of the road. After the accident, the woman was taken to a local hospital and the driver remained at the scene and cooperated with the investigators.
During the pandemic, it is a good idea to go outside if you can. After all, medical professionals have long known that Vitamin D is vital for strong bones and helps to make sure that the body has a sufficient amount of calcium. While you are out and about, keep the following pedestrian safety tips in mind.
Follow Proper Health Precautions
As you head outside for walks, it is a good idea to wear a face mask and practice proper social distancing measures to prevent spreading COVID-19. This includes staying six feet away from other people. Because some studies suggest that aerosolized virus particles might be able to travel more than six feet, it might be a good idea to stay even farther away from others.
Be Cautious About When You Go for a Walk
Be cautious about the hours that you pick to go for a walk. Avoid running on busy streets or trails at busy times or running with groups. For example, a 7am walk might be much safer than a walk during the middle of the day. You should also not stop to have chats with others you might see on your walk. While it is ideal to run alone, if you do not feel safe doing so, it is acceptable to walk or run with someone else who lives in your household because there is no additional risk of exposure.
Follow the Rules of the Road
While some people might think that it is safe to walk in the street now that there are fewer vehicles on the roadways, it is still essential to avoid distracted walking and follow the rules of the road. Do not abandon safety practices during the pandemic. Remember, statistics compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that pedestrians who ignore crosswalks are still being killed by drivers as a result.
Walking around Spokane is much like driving, and pedestrians should make sure to follow the same laws that motorists do. Because drivers should avoid running red lights or not slowing down or stop for pedestrians, pedestrians should also avoid jaywalking even if they feel that it is okay or that they are justified in doing so.
Speak With a Spokane Accident Lawyer
If you or a loved one is injured while walking and another person is responsible, you should not hesitate to speak with a knowledgeable attorney. Contact West Law Office today to schedule a free case evaluation.
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