If you think the terrain and the waterways of Washington State are beautiful, wait until you see the subterranean caverns. Anyone who has ever teased you about the fact that you spend your free time spelunking is just jealous. Cave exploration is one of the most fun and environmentally harmless things a person can do. It is also one of the safest; the riskiest part of a day at a cavern is the drive there. Of course, accidents can happen anywhere, and people occasionally get injured while hiking in caves. Who is legally responsible for injuries suffered during a cave exploring expedition depends on the surrounding circumstances; premises liability laws may or may not protect you from financial losses related to your injuries. If you have suffered an accidental fall or other injury in a cave in Washington State, contact a Spokane slip and fall accident lawyer.
What Can Go Wrong With Cave Exploration?
The risk of injury with cave exploration is substantially lower than many other recreational activities, including but not limited to skiing, horseback riding, tackle football, and anything that involves a motor vehicle. Despite this, accidental injuries arising from the recreational use of caverns are possible. Accidental falls are the most likely source of injury. It is dark inside caves, and even if you are using a flashlight, you might slip or trip on a wet or uneven surface.
Another possible risk is exposure to rabies, a viral illness that is almost always fatal if you do not get treatment before you become symptomatic. Rabies is transmitted through contact with the saliva of infected animals. Since Washington state law requires domestic animals to be vaccinated against rabies, it is almost always transmitted by wild animals, especially bats. Humans rarely come into close contact with bats except in caves. Bats are not aggressive toward humans, but if you intentionally or accidentally touch a rabid bat that is too sick to fly away, it may bite you in self-defense. The good news is that the chances of developing a symptomatic rabies infection are almost zero if you get the first of a series of rabies shots promptly after getting bitten by a wild animal or any animal of unknown rabies status.
Premises Liability and the Recreational Land Use Immunity Doctrine
Premises liability laws give you the right to receive damages for financial losses arising from preventable injuries you suffered in your capacity as a customer of a business. Therefore, if you paid admission to enter the cave, you can file a premises liability claim. If you went on the cave hike as part of a tour group, the tour company could be legally responsible. If you simply explored a cave on public land without paying admission, then the recreational land use immunity doctrine may protect the landowner from liability.
Contact West Law Office About Cave Accident Cases
A premises liability lawyer can help you if you got injured in an accidental fall in a cave. Contact West Law Office in Spokane, Washington to find out more about your legal options.
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