If you have been involved in an auto accident, depending on the level of injury that occurred, may feel overwhelmed even now when you are behind the wheel. Though you survived the accident, unfortunately not everyone does. For those who have loved ones who may have passed away because of an auto accident, tall hope is not lost. You may be able to recover for your loved one's death if the accident occurred because of another's negligence. If you or a loved one have been injured in an auto accident and you were not the owner of the car being driven, or if someone was injured in your car while they were driving, contact an experienced Spokane auto accident attorney so that we can help you strategize about the best possible outcomes for your case.
Wrongful Death Suits
In Washington, a case is considered to be a wrongful death if the person who caused the death acted wrongfully, negligently, or under the default of another. This negligent behavior can consist of not strictly following the rules of the road and putting others in harm's way. In Washington, according to the Revised Code of Washington Section 4.20.010, a wrongful death claim can be filed even if the case is also being tried in a criminal court. However, a wrongful death claim can only be filed by the representative of the decedent's estate, the spouse or domestic partner of the decedent, and the children or stepchildren of the decedent. However, if none of these individuals exist, then parents and siblings may file a wrongful death claim. Upon proving that the defendant had a duty of care that was breached when the individual operated the vehicle negligently and contributed to the decedent's death, the family or person filing suit will be able to seek damages. These damages are determined by the court, but can be given in the form of economic damages as well as consequential damages. Because wrongful death can be a complicated matter, it is in your best interest to seek legal advice and representation if a loved one has passed away due to someone operating a vehicle negligently.
Need Legal Advice?
Losing a loved one is never easy, especially when that loss could have been avoided and prevented. Though you may feel alone, you are not. Here at West Law, we will work in your best interest to get you the most favorable result possible. If you or a loved one have been injured in an auto accident contact an experienced auto accident attorney to help you with your case. Contact the West Law Office online or call at 509-993-0748 so that we can help you with your case. Contact our office today.
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