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Summer Driving and Gas Tips

Tips to Avoid Rollover Accidents

Posted by Russell West | Mar 28, 2018 | 0 Comments

A driver in Lakewood was recently involved in a deadly rollover accident that ended in a hit and run collision. As a result of the accident, three people were killed and the driver of the vehicle was arrested on the suspicion of driving under the influence. The accident occurred when the driver left the lane and crashed into another vehicle. The driver proceeded to flee from the scene of the accident. The impact of the collision caused the vehicle to end up in an opposing lane of traffic, where it was subsequently struck by another vehicle in a second accident that fortunately did not hurt anyone.

The driver who caused the accident was eventually tracked down three miles away from the scene of the accident. When she was apprehended by law enforcement, the driver was attempting to remove her vehicle's bumper. The driver did not have a driver's license and was suspected of being under the influence of alcohol. A stolen firearm was also found in the woman's vehicle. The driver was later charged with driving under the influence, hit and run, possession of a stolen firearm, and three counts of vehicular homicide.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that rollover accidents occur in less than 3% of vehicle accidents but result in the deaths of over 7,000 drivers and passengers. As a result, it is important that all motor vehicle drivers understand what safety precautions can be taken to avoid being involved in a rollover accident.

Consider Road Conditions When Driving

Roads that are icy, snowy, or wet greatly increase the chances that a rollover accident will occur. As a result, drivers who travel in these types of road conditions are advised to observe their surroundings and to slow down when driving.

Make Sure Your Tires Stay in Balance

When the air pressure in your tires gets out of a balance, your motor vehicle can become unstable, which significantly increases the chances that a rollover accident will occur. To prevent these types of accidents, check the air in your tires on a frequent basis.

Select the Safest Type of Vehicle

Minivans, sports utility vehicles, and pick-up trucks are much more likely to be involved in a rollover than other types of vehicles. The safest idea is to select a vehicle with a low center of gravity as well as a stable base.

Slow Down While Making Turns

Maneuvering too quickly around curves can greatly increase the chances that a rollover accident will occur. Driving in this manner can result in a vehicle's balance being thrown off to the point that a rollover occurs. Slow down not just when making turns but when driving in general.

Obtain the Assistance of a Skilled Accident Attorney

Following these safety tips can greatly reduce your chances of being involved in a rollover accident, but these precautions can not entirely remove the risk of this type of accident. If you are impacted by a rollover accident, do not hesitate to contact the experienced legal team at West Law Office today to schedule an initial free consultation.

(image courtesy of Esther Tuttle) 

About the Author

Russell West

Russell West from West Law Office, located in Spokane, Washington represents clients in areas of criminal traffic, misdemeanors, and personal injury. DUI’s, Reckless Driving, Negligent driving, Hit and Run, and Driving with Suspended license are the majority of criminal traffic violations. Drug Charges, Theft, and Domestic Violence account for most of the other criminal cases Russell handles.


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West Law Office - Russell West Attorney

Spokane Attorney Russell West practice areas include: Auto Accidents, Personal Injury, Motorcycle Accidents, Slip and Falls, DUIs, DOL Hearings, Criminal Traffic, Expungement/Vacating Records, and Insurance Bad Faith

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