At the beginning of May 2022, a multiple-vehicle crash occurred at the intersection of Boone and Lincoln. As a result of the crash, a vehicle flipped onto its side and people were trapped inside. Eastbound lanes were temporarily closed due to the accident, while one westbound lane was kept open. According to law enforcement, one individual was extracted from the vehicle and transported to a nearby medical facility with non-life-threatening injuries. Spokane Firefighters had to remove one of the vehicle's roofs to access a person who was trapped inside.
While you understandably hope to never end up in such a situation, the chance exists that someday you might end up in a vehicular crash in which your vehicle flips over. When vehicles flip over, the potential exists for the vehicle to end up either completely upside down or on its side, with passengers stuck inside the vehicle. In these situations, there are several important things that you should remember to do.
Prepare Yourself
You should do your best to be aware of the moment between the collision and when your vehicle flips over. Unfortunately, many people naturally respond by grabbing the steering wheel and attempting to bring the vehicle back under control. Understand that in these situations, you have already lost control of your vehicle. There is little to nothing that you can do to keep from losing control of the car. Instead, a much better response is to do your best to prepare for the resulting impact. This should involve crossing your arms over your body and pressing yourself against the seat as much as you can. You should try to duck so that if the vehicle begins to roll over, the roof will not impact you at the moment that it collapses.
Keep Breathing
One of the best things that you can do is to stay calm. Collisions of this nature are high-stress and you will likely be uneasy and afraid. Do whatever you can, however, to remain calm in the moments following impact. Take deep breaths and survey everything around you. Letting the situation get the best of you can make the situation even more deadly.
Examine for Injuries
As soon as your vehicle comes to a complete stop, the best thing that you can do is examine yourself and anyone else in the vehicle for injuries. Begin by examining yourself for any injuries. If you are injured, avoid panicking. Once you have examined yourself, inquire about other passengers to see if they have inspected themselves, too. Determine whether everyone is capable of exiting the vehicle without causing additional injury to themselves. Call 911 for emergency medical assistance.
Contact a Compassionate Accident Attorney
Regardless of how your Spokane crash occurred, if someone else is responsible for your crash, you should not be forced to pay for the resulting damages and hardships you are left to face. If you or your loved ones need the assistance of an experienced accident attorney, do not hesitate to contact West Law Office today to schedule a free case evaluation.
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