Three people were injured as the result of an intoxicated motorist accident that occurred on Interstate 90 at the beginning of September. The Washington State Patrol reports that the driver exited the road and collided with a tree, which then caused the vehicle to catch on fire. The driver and two passengers were all taken to a nearby medical facility for treatment. The driver was charged with driving under the influence as well as vehicular assault.
The Washington State Department of Transportation's analysis shows that in 2019, 45,524 car accidents occurred on the state's roads. 235 of these accidents led to fatalities. Understandably, many motorists want to do everything possible to avoid injuries or fatalities caused by Washington state car crashes. One of the best ways to stay safe while driving is to practice defensive driving, which means operating a vehicle in a manner that allows motorists to address known risks predictably. While defensive driving encompasses a variety of strategies, the following reviews just five that motorists can implement today.
Take Time to Plan Your Route
Not only does planning your route ahead of time help to avoid risk factors for accidents, but planning is also an excellent way to stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. You should get in the habit of both checking weather and traffic conditions. This way you can avoid things like sudden rain storms as well as peak traffic hours. If necessary, you can also plan a route that avoids things like sharp curves or other obstacles.
Get in the Habit of Braking Early
You should always make sure to leave ample space between your vehicle and others on the road. This helps you respond in time in case of sudden emergencies. You should also get in the habit of braking early as well as driving slowly, particularly when the weather or traffic conditions necessitate it. Anticipate that it takes anywhere from two to three times longer than you think after deciding to slow down your vehicle.
Reduce Distractions
Driving defensively relies on being reactive to risk factors. Driving defensively also involves reducing the number of risk factors known to cause car accidents. One of the most common reasons why car accidents occur is distracted driving. There are unfortunately many activities including cell phone usage, adjusting the radio, having too many people in the car, eating, and drinking that can take a person's attention off the road. By doing everything possible to reduce the risk of distractions while driving, you can greatly reduce the chance that your focus will be taken off of driving for even a few seconds.
Obtain the Assistance of an Experienced Car Accident Lawyer
When car accidents occur in Spokane, victims are often left facing various financial costs including lost wages and large medicals. One of the best ways to obtain the compensation that you deserve is to retain the assistance of an experienced attorney. Contact West Law Office today for assistance.
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