A teenager in Spokane was killed in May in an accident that left a car submerged in the Spokane River. At the time of the accident, the teenager was in the backseat of the vehicle.
While another teenager was pulled from the vehicle after it drove off an embankment and into a vehicle, this teenager was unconscious and could not warn anyone about his friend who was still inside the vehicle. Unfortunately, a combination of swift-moving water, lack of light, and instability of the vehicle made it impossible to check for a body until the sun came up.
Law enforcement later reported that the driver was likely speeding at the time of the accident and might have been intoxicated.
Even if you have never combined alcohol with the operation of a motor vehicle, there is no guarantee that all other drivers on the road will be as safe. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that every day in the United States, 30 people die in drunk driving accidents.
One of the best ways to reduce your chances of ending up in an accident with a drunk driver is to remain observant of the signs that a driver is intoxicated. The following reviews some of the most common indicators that a motorist is driving drunk.
Drinking Immediately Before Getting Into a Vehicle
If you notice someone leaving a bar, restaurant, or any other place that sells alcohol getting into a vehicle and driving off, you should be cautious about that person's driving. You should also promptly report this individual to law enforcement.
Drinking While Driving
Washington law prohibits anyone from drinking alcohol or possessing an open container while traveling in a motor vehicle. If you notice another individual drinking alcohol while operating a vehicle, you should immediately avoid that vehicle.
Leaning Close to the Windshield
Among the many ways that alcohol results in physical changes to a person's vision, one of the most common symptoms is blurred vision. Due to this impairment, many intoxicated drivers tend to lean close to the windshield when they drive.
Driving Extremely Slowly
Many intoxicated motorists believe that they will safely reach their destination if they go slowly and cautiously. As a result, many motorists travel so slowly that they drive well below the speed limit. If you notice a motorist late at night or on the weekend who is traveling well below the speed limit, there is a possibility that it is an intoxicated motorist.
Braking Suddenly
Besides traveling too slowly, many drunk drivers erratically operate their vehicles, which often equates to swerving and sudden braking. This is because alcohol slows down a person's reaction time. Consequently, many intoxicated motorists grow distracted then brake suddenly to make sure their vehicle remains in control.
Not Follow Traffic Signals
Alcohol tends to distract a person from their surroundings. Consequently, many drunk drivers grow distracted from their surroundings and end up running red lights or suddenly stopping at green lights.
Contact a Spokane Accident Attorney
No matter what precautions drivers follow, sometimes accidents occur anyway. If you need a lawyer's help, contact West Law Office today.
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